Welcome To XCreative Kids

brookways children

Every child is unique, silly, and lovable in their own way. They all have their own personality from almost the get-go. They have opened it for all children so that they can have fun, share and learn together as one big family. Fostering creativity in children gives them a chance to become the next world’s most celebrated artists in various fields.

Why Xcreative Kids

The founder of Xcreative is a parent to two beautiful children. They fully understand that every child is unique, silly, and lovable in their own way. They all have their own personality from almost the get-go. They have opened it for all children so that they can have fun, share and learn together as one big family. Fostering creativity in children gives them a chance to become the next world’s most celebrated artists in various fields.

By signing up your child in Xcreative Kids forum, you are helping him, or she develops emotionally socially and mentally. Research shows that creating art helps to boost a young child’s ability to analyse and solve obstacles in myriad ways. When a kid discovers that he or she can create something, it helps to boost their self-confidence. The key is not in the product but the process.


How To Enroll Your Child In A class ?

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Model/Child Artist

Some kids are incredibly good at posing, cat walking and capturing the attention of masses. Modelling is the ideal way to express themselves, build self-confidence, and learn how to listen and follow instructions.

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Dancing is a great form of exercise for kids. It helps promote good posture, increase balance, improve muscle tone, and boost cardiovascular health.

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Art & Craft

Kids can be able to express themselves more using arts and crafts. They can also help in boosting visual processing abilities and sharpening fine motor skills.

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Playing games is a great way for kids to develop cognitive skills, strengthening bones, improve flexibility &coordination, and helps in strength development.

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